I haven't driven an F1 car, sorry. But regardless, let's talk a little bit about what it's like to drive one of these cars. And by talk, I mostly mean let's watch some videos of other people. This first video from Top Gear is a great introduction. Keep in mind this guy has driven everything else there is to drive, and he can barely complete a lap in this car, let alone keep from screaming like a scared child.
So what does a driver feel during a race? Well, this next video shows a lap around the Istanbul Circuit in Turkey. In the top left corner is an accelerometer. If you take your own car and turn as fast and as sharply as you can, you'll feel like you're being thrown to the side of the car with tremendous force. An average car will get somewhere near 0.8 g's or so before it slides and you lose control. So that means you will get pulled to the side with about 80% of the force of gravity during a turn. It's a pretty thrilling sensation that feels out of control and dangerous because you're quite literally being pulled to the edge of your seat. Well, the side of your seat. Anyway, check out the g's that this car achieves between 0:51 and 0:58.
(By the way, the part of the track from 0:51 to 0:58 is called "Turn 8". It's basically 4 small turns combined into 1. It's famous for it's high speeds and high g forces, and any F1 enthusiast will know about Turn 8 if you mention it. It's one of the 4 or 5 most famous segments of track on the F1 calendar and I'll make sure to get you familiar with the other important segments too.)
He gets about 4 or 5 g's sustained for 7 seconds. That's more than you'd find in a roller coaster. And it's pulling to the side. Imagine sticking your neck out, sideways, with 40 or 50 pounds strapped to your head. Hold that for 7 seconds and repeat it 70 times spread over and hour and a half. For extra realism, try doing it in a thick suit in 100 or 110 degree heat (drivers typically lose 5 or 6 pounds of body weight during a race just due to loss of fluids from the heat). Worst of all, now try to concentrate hard enough to get your car safely around a track! Here's a final video, a typical lap of Monaco. Monaco is the most famous race of the year and the one everyone wants to win the most. Take note of how close the cars get the walls, particularly during the second half of the lap. There is no margin for error.
Ok so we've established it's not as easy as sitting down. Next time we'll discuss the legendary Flavio Briatore. Quite possibly the most world's most interesting man. Cheers.